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joss stick (中國祭神用的)香。


The annual dance , with the 67 - metre - long fiery dragon made up of thousands of burning joss sticks , originated in tai hang more than a hundred years ago in an effort to ward off evil spirits that were harming the village . it worked and ever since then the villagers have performed the dance every year . make sure you see this unique hong kong folk ritual 當時,村民飽受瘟疫威脅,為求消災解困,便趁著中秋時節,以珍珠草織成長,在身插滿線香,一邊燒鞭炮,一邊舞動火,之后災禍真的絕跡自此這項活動奉行至今,成為了香港的一項獨特風俗,名聲更流傳海外。

The 23rd of the third month in lunar calendar is the birthday of tin hau when many joss sticks are burned in the temple . the birthday is also further celebrated by lion dancing and feasting . in 1961 , when princess alexandra visited hong kong , she also paid a visit to the temple 農歷三月廿三日天后誕,香火特盛,更有舞獅和奉獻燒豬等儀式。 1961年英國雅麗珊郡主來港訪問時,也曾到該廟參觀。

The 67 - metre - long dragon is studded with thousands of burning joss sticks that at night produce an incredible spectacle of fire , smoke and dynamic fury as the dragon wends and dances through the backstreets of tai hang 的火在大坑一帶街道飛舞翻騰,令平日寧靜的小街巷,變得煙香繚繞火光閃動動感澎湃,簡直蔚為奇觀!

At tin hau festival in april or may every year , the devout swarm to the temple to worship tin hau , and there is a magnificent scene of the burning of joss sticks and candles 銅鑼灣天后廟是港島區最具規模的天后廟之一,每年4月或5月的天后誕,不少善信都會到廟內參拜,香火尤其鼎盛。

Before setting off , the fishermen will come to the tin hau temple to burn joss sticks and pray for luck . when they return fruitfully , they will then come to requite tin hau for her kindness 漁民揚帆出海前都會到天后廟進香求福,而滿載歸港時亦會前往天后廟答謝神恩。

These two famous banyan trees are a favourite with local villagers who come to burn joss sticks and incense papers hoping their wishes will come true 林村許愿樹是本地著名的祈福勝地,按照習俗,村民會向這兩棵大榕樹誠心許愿,燃點香燭冥鏹,祈求愿望成真。

On the 6th , 16th and 26th of every lunar month , men and women who want a happy marriage come to the lovers rock to burn joss sticks and candles in sincere worship 祈求天賜良緣的男女,每逢農歷初六、十六及二十六均會來到姻緣石,焚燒香燭,誠心參拜。

The gigantic banyan tree beside the lei yue mun rest garden has been regarded as gods and adored by villagers , who burn joss sticks and pray for blessing 鯉魚門許愿樹鯉魚門休憩公園旁有株巨大的榕樹,村民經常在樹下點燃香燭,以求庇佑,據聞相當靈驗。

They usually present fruit and burn joss sticks and incense in the open air , chiefly on rooftops , in backyards and gardens or at lovers stone on bowen road in wan chai 如您適值于這段時間到香港旅游,不妨到灣仔寶云道的姻緣石參拜,祈求天賜良緣。

The victim was told to go buying joss sticks for the ritual after which all the targeted persons dispersed in an attempt to flee the scene 該名女成員囑咐女事主前往購買香燭用作進行祈福儀式之后,所有集團成員便立即四散,企圖逃走。

People hold joss sticks in their hands before the altar to offer the first prayer of the year at baiyunguan temple in beijing 在北京白云觀里,人們在祭壇前拿香祝禱今年的第一個愿望。